Nov 18, 2011

In order to accommodate a more open usage of my engine, I'm editing some sprites and scripts referring to said sprites to reference sprite names. This will require strict naming conventions for users of the engine to adhere to, but it also grants more flexibility.

For example, by using
if string_copy(sprite_get_name(sprite_index)),
users can create their own whip sprites and as long as the sprite name ends in _fr for the extended frames, the engine will process it as an active whip sprite. This also affects the attack sprites for Belmont: I have changed the "spr_Belm_XXat" format into "spr_Belm_XX_at" for easier reference a la sprite_copy().

I added something else, too: AN NES CONTROLLER FOR DEBUG MODE! ... There wasn't really any reason to do it. I just wanted to do something different and still feel productive.

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