Nov 19, 2022

Super Phase Out!

 Another archaeological finding.

At address $00141C in the ROM (CV3j) is a block of code which accelerates the ghosting speed of Trevor or his partner when swapping characters. This acceleration code is only run when the ghosting offset is 8 or higher. The partner swap effect does not last long enough for this to occur. However, if you set $0032 in the RAM to something big like #ff, the acceleration code will tun run. This results in the phantom images to spread out across the entire screen, then go back to the PC's position, then immediately spread out across the screen again (assuming you set $0032 high enough or froze it). 

I haven't seen this effect anywhere else in the game that I can recall. Perhaps it was lifted from another game? Maybe Dracula or one of the other bosses was supposed to use this effect? Maybe the game wasn't supposed to just cut directly from the score tally to the map screen? The world may never know.

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