$048C is essentially an Animation Batch Index (ABI), as it determines
all sprite data to be used. Byte $05AA can be thought of as the
Animation Index (AI), as it determines which frames are cycled and the
animation speed. Byte $057C is the Animation Time (AT), as it counts
down every step and increases the Animation Frame upon rolling over at #00.
Byte $0593 is the Animation Frame (AF), as it determines which frame of
the animation to use. Byte $0400 is the Frame Index (FI), the actual
frame of animation itself as defined by the ABI.
There are two sets of animation routines. In the first routine documented here, the AT counts to 0, then the
program fetches the LUT for the ABI, which consists of 3 bytes of data
per animation: frame offset, image speed, and final image index (which must be a multiple of 2). The LUT
is referenced by multiplying the AI by 3. The program fetches the first
value, adds it to the AF, then saves that to the FI. It sets the AT to
the next value in the LUT. Finally, it increases the AF and resets it to
0 if it is not less than the third value in the LUT.
seeking authentic reproduction, this animation mechanic is somewhat
important. If using animation similar to that found in Game Maker Studio
1.4 and earlier iterations, in most cases just setting image_index to
image_speed when changing sprites would be enough to reproduce the
animation mechanics in CV3. The biggest exception to this is Alucard,
who actually changes his AI, which in turn modifies his AT. This is not the same
as changing image_speed in Game Maker. Technically, the way Alucard's
AI fluctuations affect the sprite, is the current frame will continue at
the old speed, then the new speed will kick in on the next frame.
Dealing with sprite-based timing in cases like Grant may be easier with
this animation mechanic as well.
is a catalogue of nearly all sprites, sorted by ABI and AI (if
applicable), then further sorted by the actual FI of each sprite.
Animation data for this set can be found at 03EFE2 (CV3u). There
are 15 ABI sets. Each PC gets
its own ABI. Similarly, each doppelganger form gets its own ABI. All 8 of those ABI share the same data set, hence AI #01 applies to Grant and is missing from the other PCs.. In a
lot of cases, there is no specific AI set, so these cases will be marked below with an AI of XX.
ABI RAM Associated Object(s)
#00 EFF0 Trevor,Items
#02 EFF0 Sypha,Spells
#04 EFF0 Grant
#06 EFF0 Alucard
#08 F0D7 Zombies,Skeletons,Bone,Bats,Medusa,Fleamen,Statue,Ghost,
#0A F173 Grant(boss),Cyclops Mallet,Lightning,Vampire Bat,
#0C F020 Markers,Traps,Gears,Pendulum,Teeter-Totter,PC meeting,
#0E F359 Candles,Drops,Dying Flame,Debris,Armor's Ax,Scythe,Flooring
#10 F272 Bone Knight,Cyclops,Pharaoh,Serpent,Soul,Death,Dracula,Alucard
#12 F14C Armor,Owl,Mudman,Flameman,Fuzzy,Merman,Bone Drac,Harpy,Frog(Hop)
#14 F37D Sypha release,Epilogue
#16 EFF0 Trevor's Doppelganger
#18 EFF0 Sypha's Doppelganger
#1A EFF0 Grant's Doppelganger
#1C EFF0 Alucard's Doppelganger
ABI:AI Associated Object Animation Data
FI: Frame Description
0A: Trevor Stair Down Legs Open 0C: Trevor Stair Up Legs Open
0E: Trevor Duck
10: Trevor Knockback
12: Trevor Faint
14: Trevor Dead
16: Trevor Jump (different origin from 0E)
18: Trevor Stand Attack Back16: Trevor Jump (different origin from 0E)
1A: Trevor Stand Attack Above
1C: Trevor Stand Attack Strike
1E: Trevor Duck Attack Back 20: Trevor Duck Attack Above
22: Trevor Duck Attack Strike 24: Whip Stand Back
26: Whip Above
28: Whip Strike
2A: Whip Duck Back 2C: Flail Stand Back
2E: Flail Above
30: Flail Strike
32: Vampire Killer Strike
34: Trevor Stair Down Attack Back
36: Trevor Stair Down Attack Above
38: Trevor Stair Down Attack Strike
3A: Trevor Stair Up Attack Back
3C: Trevor Stair Up Attack Above
3E: Trevor Stair Up Attack Strike
4E: Dagger (also CV3j Grant's)
50: Holy Water Icon
52: Holy Water Thrown
54: Upgrade
00:00 Trevor Walk 020808
02: Trevor Lead Leg Back
04: Trevor Legs Closed
06: Trevor Lead Leg Front
08: Trevor Legs Closed (again)
00:07 Trevor Cross | Dagger 400606 40: Cross Straight
42: Cross Left
44: Cross Right
00:08 Trevor Axe (also Grant's) 460608
46: Axe Up Left
48: Axe Up Right
4A: Axe Down Right
4C: Axe Down Left
00:0C Holy Water Flame 56040C 56: Holy Water Flame Small
58: Holy Water Flame Tall
5A: Holy Water Flame Short
5C: Holy Water Flame Tall (again)
5E: Holy Water Fire Tall
60: Holy Water Fire Short
660806 6C0804
0A: Sypha Stair Down Legs Open
0C: Sypha Stair Up Legs Open
0E: Sypha Duck
10: Sypha Knockback
12: Sypha Faint (same as 10)
14: Sypha Dead
16: Sypha Jump
18: Sypha Stand Attack Above
1A: Sypha Stand Attack Strike
1C: Sypha Duck Attack Above
1E: Sypha Duck Attack Strike
20: Sypha Staff Above
22: Sypha Staff Strike
24: Sypha Stair Down Attack Above
26: Sypha Stair Down Attack Strike
28: Sypha Stair Up AttackAbove
2A: Sypha Stair Up Attack Strike
2C: Sypha Stand Spell Arms Spread
2E: Sypha Duck Spell Arms Spread
30: Sypha Stair Down Spell Arms Spread
32: Sypha Stair Up Spell Arms Spread
34: Sypha Stand Spell Arms Reach
36: Sypha Duck Spell Arms Reac
38: Sypha Stair Down Spell Arms Reach
3A: Sypha Stair Up Spell Arms Reach
3C: Sypha Fire Start
3E: Sypha Fire Billow
40: Sypha Fire Enflamed
42: Sypha Fire Subside
44: Sypha Fire Fade
02: Sypha Lead Leg Fore
04: Sypha Legs Closed
06: Sypha Lead Leg Back
08: Sypha Legs Closed (again)
02:09 Sypha Ice 46060846: Sypha Ice Smooth
48: Sypha Ice Pokey
4A: Sypha Ice Spindly
4C: Sypha Ice Shimmer
02:0A Sypha Thunder 4E0604
4E: Sypha Thunder Small
50: Sypha Thunder Big
0A: Grant Stair Down Legs Open
0C: Grant Stair Down Legs Open
0E: Grant Duck
10: Grant Knockback
12: Grant Faint
14: Grant Dead
16: Grant Jump
24: Grant Stand Attack Above
26: Grant Stand Attack Strike
28: Grant Stand Attack Cocked (CV3u)
2A: Grant Stair Down Attack Above
2C: Grant Stair Down Attack Strike
2E: Grant Stair Up Attack Above
30: Grant Stair Up Attack Strike
32: Grant Duck Attack Above
34: Grant Duck Attack Strike
3C: Grant Ceiling To Wall Reach
3E: Grant Floor To Wall Reach
40: Grant Wall To Ceiling Reach
42: Grant Wall To Floor Reach
44: Grant Stand Attack Strike (CV3u)
46: Grant Duck Attack Cocked (CV3u)
48: Grant Stair Legs Closed (same as 04)
4A: Grant Duck Attack Strike (CV3u)
4C: Grant Stair Up Attack Cocked (CV3u)
4E: Grant Stair Up Attack Strike (CV3u)
04:00 Grant Walk 020808 50: Grant Stair Down Attack Cocked (CV3u)
52: Grant Stair Down Attack Strike (CV3u)
02: Grant Lead Leg Fore
04: Grant Legs Closed
06: Grant Lead Leg Back
08: Grant Legs Closed (again)
04:01 Grant Wall Up 180804 18: Grant Wall Up Close
1A: Grant Wall Up Open
1C: Grant Wall Up Attack
04:02 Grant Ceiling 1E0804
1E: Grant Ceiling Close
20: Grant Ceiling Open
22: Grant Ceiling Attack
04:0D Grant Wall Down 360804
36: Grant Wall Down Close
38: Grant Wall Down Open
3A: Grant Wall Down Attack
0A: Alucard Stair Down
0C: Alucard Stair Up
0E: Alucard Duck
10: Alucard Knockback
12: Alucard Faint
14: Alucard Dead
16: Alucard Jump
18: Alucard Stand Attack Fore
1A: Alucard Stand Attack Back
1C: Alucard Stand Attack Close
1E: Alucard Duck Attack Fore
20: Alucard Duck Attack Back
22: Alucard Duck Attack Close
44: Alucard Orb Full (unused?)
06:00 Alucard Walk 020808 02: Alucard Lead Leg Back
04: Alucard Legs Closed
06: Alucard Lead Leg Fore
08: Alucard Legs Closed (again)
06:03 Alucard Bat Hover 240806 24: Alucard Bat Up
26: Alucard Bat Mid
28: Alucard Bat Down
06:04 Alucard Bat Fly 240406
(same as 06:03)
06:05 Alucard Animorph 2A060C
2A: Alucard Animorph Cape Open
2C: Alucard Animorph Cape Back
2E: Alucard Animorph Cape Closed
30: Alucard Animorph Smoke Feet
32: Alucard Animorph Smoke Torso
34: Alucard Animorph Smoke Bat
06:06 Alucard Demorph 34060C
(uses 34)
36: (same as 32)
38: (same as 30)
3A: (same as 2E)
3C: (same as 2C)
3E: (same as 2A)
06:0B Alucard Orb 400404
40: Alucard Orb
42: Alucard Orb Flash
06: Zombie Submerged
08: Zombie Emerged
12: Crow (CHR 2) Perch 1E: Bat Asleep (CHR2)
38: Slime Ceiling 3A: Slime Ceiling Hop
3C: Slime Ambush
3E: Bone Statue 40: Bone Statue (alternate sprite set)
46: Merman Leap 48: Merman Land
4A: Merman Spit
50: Fleaman Jump
52: Axe Armor Duck Raise
54: Axe Armor Duck Throw
56: (unused)
5C: Flying Eye Squint 5E: Flying Eye Gaze
60: Flying Eye Tear
66: Slime Leap
82: (same as 56, unused)
84: (same as 56, unused)
86: (same as 56, unused)
90: (same as 8E, unused)
B4: Sword Skeleton Sheath
B6: Sword Skeleton Raise
C0: Spiderweb 1X C2: Spiderweb 3X
C4: Spiderweb 5X
C6: Spiderweb 7X
C8: Spiderweb 9X
CC: Bat Asleep (CHR3)
D8: Spiderweb 11X
EE: Whip Skeleton Strike
F0: Sword Skeleton Strike
F2: Headless Skeleton Recover
F4: Headless Skeleton Swipe
F6: Headless Skeleton Swoosh (glitched, unused)
F8: Headless Skeleton Lunge (plays before F4)
FA: Frog Tongue Short FC: Frog Tongue Long
FE: Knight (hard, CV3u) Attack
08:00 Zombie 021004
02: Zombie Legs Closed
04: Zombie Legs Spread
08:01 Crow (CHR 2) 0A0808
0A: Crow (CHR 2) Up
0C: Crow (CHR 2) Mid
0E: Crow (CHR 2) Down
10: Crow (CHR 2) Mid (again)
08:02 Ghost 1A0A04
1A: Ghost Ecto Near 1C: Ghost Ecto Tail
08:03 Bat (CHR2) 200A08
20: Bat Wings Up
22: Bat Wings Level
24: Bat Wings Down
26: Bat Wings Level (again)
08:04 Medusa Head 280A04
28: Medusa Head Down
2A: Medusa Head Up
08:05 Bone Skeleton Walk 921004
(same as 08:26)
08:06 Whip Skeleton A80A04
A8: Whip Skeleton Legs Spread
AA: Whip Skeleton Legs Closed
08:07 Spore DE1804
DE: Spore Deflate
E0: Spore Inflate
08:08 Gargoyle 8C0C04
8C: Gargoyle Wing Up
8E: Gargoyle Wing Mid
08:09 Fleaman (AI optional) 4C0A04
4C: Fleaman Down
4E: Fleaman Up
08:0A Slime 620A04 62: Slime Floor
64: Slime Floor Hop
08:0B Sword Skeleton 341004
34: Sword Skeleton Legs Closed
36: Sword Skeleton Legs Spread
08:0C Spider BC0C04 BC: Spider Legs Down
BE: Spider Legs Up
08:0D Axe Armor 2C0E04
2C: Axe Armor Legs Closed
2E: Axe Armor Legs Open
08:0E Axe Armor Stand Attack 300E04 30: Axe Armor Stand Raise
32: Axe Armor Stand Throw
08:0F Merman 421004
42: Merman Legs Closed
44: Merman Legs Open
08:10 Flying Eye 580A04
58: Flying Eye Near
5A: Flying Eye Far
08:11 Slime (again) 620A04
(same as 08:0A)
08:12 Mummy 680C08
68: Mummy Lead Leg Back
6A: Mummy Legs Closed
6C: Mummy Lead Leg Fore
6E: Mummy Legs Closed (again)
08:13 (unused) 880C04
88: (same as 56)
8A: (same as 56)
08:14 Mummy Ravel 740C0A
74: Mummy Ravel Long
76: Mummy Ravel Foot
78: Mummy Ravel Leg
7A: Mummy Ravel Torso
7C: Mummy Ravel Head
08:15 Whip Skeleton Attack AC0A06
AC: Whip Skeleton Above
AE: (same as AC, unused)
(uses B0)
08:16 Bone A20C06 A2: Bone Left
A4: Bone Vertical
A6: Bone Right
08:17 Bone Skeleton Attack 960806
96: Bone Skeleton Attack Back
98: Bone Skeleton Attack Above
9A: Bone Skeleton Attack Strike
08:18 Mummy Bandage B00C04 B0: Mummy Bandage Down
B2: Mummy Bandage Up 08:19 Mummy Collapse 700A04
70: Mummy Collapse Torso
72: Mummy Collapse Legs
08:1A Skeleton Collapse 9C0C06
9C: Skeleton Collapse Decap
9E: Skeleton Collapse Crumble
A0: Skeleton Collapse Pile
08:1B Headless Skeleton B80A04
B8: Headless Skeleton Legs Closed
BA: Headless Skeleton Legs Open
08:1C Spider (again) BC0C04 (same as 08:0C)
08:1D Spiderling CA1804
CA: Spiderling Legs Up
CC: Spiderling Legs Down
08:1E Spore Explode DE0C08
(same as 08:07)
E2: Spore Puff
E4: Spore Pop
08:1F Pollen DA0C04
DA: Pollen Down
DC: Pollen Up
08:20 Mushroom E61804
E6: Mushroom Small
E8: Mushroom Pulse
08:21 Mushroom Explode E60C08
(same as 08:20)
EA: Mushroom Puff
EC: Mushroom Pop
08:22 Blood Skeleton Collapse 9C1806
(same as 08:1A)
08:23 Ghost Wisp Fast 140806
14: Ghost Wisp Small
16: Ghost Wisp Peek 18: Ghost Wisp Face
08:24 Bat (CHR3) D00A08
D0: (same as 20)
D2: (same as 22)
D4: (same as 24)
D6: (same as 26)
08:25 Ghost Wisp Slow 140804
(same as 08:23, except 18)
08:26 Normal Skeleton 921404
92: Normal Skeleton Legs Spread
94: Normal Skeleton Legs Closed
08:27 Skull (Hard, CV3u only) 7E0A04
7E: Skull Open
80: Skull Closed
94: Grant(B) Revert Med Faint
96: Grant(B) Revert Small Faint
98: Grant(B) Revert Small Duck
0A:00 Bone Knight Walk 020806
02: Bone Knight Lead Leg Fore
0A:01 Bone Knight Prepare 0A0402 04: Bone Knight Legs Closed
06: Bone Knight Lead Leg Back
0A: Bone Knight Prepare
0A:02 Bone Knight Sword Above 0C1802
0C: Bone Knight Sword Above
0A:03 Bone Knight Sword Strike 0E1802
0E: Bone Knight Sword Strike
0A:04 Bone Knight In-Air 100802
10: Bone Knight In-Air
0A:05 Bone Knight Bone 120806 12: Bone Knight Bone Up Right
14: Bone Knight Bone Up Straight
16: Bone Knight Bone Up Left
0A:06 Cyclops Walk 181008
18: Cyclops Lead Leg Fore
1A: Cyclops Legs Closed
1C: Cyclops Lead Leg Back
1E: Cyclops Legs Closed (again)
0A:07 Cyclops Run 180808
(same as 0A:06)
0A:08 Cyclops Attack 201002
thru 0A:09 221002
20: Cyclops Attack Raise
22: Cyclops Attack Strike
0A:0A Storm Cloud 260802
26: Storm Cloud
0A:0B Mountain Lightning 280802
28: Mountain Lightning
0A:0C Cyclops Lightning 2E0802
2E: Cyclops Lightning
0A:0D Bone Knight Walk (manual) 020802
thru 0A:10 040802
(same as 0A:00) 060802
(repeat 04) 040802
(30 thru 38 same as 02, unused?)
0A:11 Bone Knight Stand 380802
38: (same as 02)
0A:12 Grant(B) Walk 3A0804
3A: Grant Walk Arms In
3C: Grant Walk Arms Out
0A:13 Grant(B) Climb Up 3E0804
3E: Grant Climb Up Arms In
40: Grant Climb Up Arms Out
0A:14 Grant(B) On Ceiling 420804
42: Grant Ceiling Arms In
44: Grant Ceiling Arms Out
0A:15 Grant(B) Climb Down 460804
46: Grant Climb Down Arms In
48: Grant Climb Down Arms Out
0A:16 Grant(B) Axe 4E0808
4E: Grant Axe Up Right
50: Grant Axe Up Left
52: Grant Axe Down Left
54: Grant Axe Down Right
0A:17 Grant(B) Dagger 4C0802
4C: Grant Dagger
0A:18 Grant(B) Dead 4A0802
4A: Grant Dead
0A:19 Grant(B) Fall 3A0802 (uses 3A)
0A:1A Grant(B) Jump To Wall 3C0802
(uses 3C)
0A:1B Giant Bat Large 560804
56: Giant Bat Large Wing Up
58: Giant Bat Large Wing Down
0A:1C Giant Bat Med 5A0804
5A: Giant Bat Med Wing Up
5C: Giant Bat Med Wing Down
0A:1D Giant Bat Small 5E0804
5E: Giant Bat Small Wing Up
60: Giant Bat Small Wing Down
0A:1E Giant Bat Tiny 620804
62: Giant Bat Tiny Wing Up
64: Giant Bat Tiny Wing Down
0A:1F Giant Bat Sleep 660802
66: Giant Bat Asleep
0A:20 Giant Bat Awake 660806
(uses 66)
68: Giant Bat Awake Wing Down
6A: Giant Bat Awake Wing Up
0A:21 Alucard(B) Attack 740802
thru 0A:23 760802
74: Alucard(B) Attack Begin 780802
76: Alucard(B) Attack Open
78: Alucard(B) Attack Cape
0A:24 Alucard(B) Bat 7A0804 7A: Alucard(B) Bat Wing Up
7C: Alucard(B) Bat Wing Down
0A:25 Alucard(B) Fireball 7E0804
7E: Alucard(B) Fireball Small
80: Alucard(B) Fireball Big
0A:26 Alucard(B) Fireball II? 800804
(uses 80)
82: Alucard(B) Fireball II
0A:27 Alucard(B) Fireball III? 820804
(uses 82)
84: Alucard(B) Fireball III
0A:28 Alucard(B) Transform 720802
thru 0A:2B 700802
(same as 0A:2C) 6E0802
(thru 0A:2F) 6C0802
(just reversed)
0A:2C Alucard(B) Form 6C0802
thru 0A:2F 6E0802
6C: Alucard Form Flame 700802
6E: Alucard Form Smoke 720802
70: Alucard Form Bottom
72: Alucard Form Top
0A:30 Alucard(B) Death 840802 thru 0A:32 860802
84: Alucard(B) Death Headless 880802
86: Alucard(B) Death Collapse
88: Alucard(B) Death Lump
0A:33 Alucard(B) Join 8A080A
8A: Alucard(B) Join Lump Flash
8C: Alucard(B) Join Arise
8E: Alucard(B) Join Arise Flash
90: Alucard(B) Join Kneel
92: Alucard(B) Join Kneel Flash
0A:34 Bone Drac King Skull 9A0802 thru 0A:38 9C0802
9A: Bone Drac King Skull Up 90º 9E0802
9C: Bone Drac King Skull Up 45º A00802
9E: Bone Drac King Skull 0º A20802
A0: Bone Drac King Skull Down 45º
A2: Bone Drac King Skull Down 90º
0A:39 Bone Drac King Rib A40802
thru 0A:3D A60802
A4: Bone Drac King Rib Up 90º A80802
A6: Bone Drac King Rib Up 45º AA0802
A8: Bone Drac King Rib 0º AC0802
AA: Bone Drac King Rib Down 45º
AC: Bone Drac King Rib Down 90º
0A:3E Bone Drac King Tail AE0802
thru 0A:42 B00802
AE: Bone Drac King Tail Up 90º B20802
B0: Bone Drac King Tail Up 45º B40802
B2: Bone Drac King Tail 0º B60802
B4: Bone Drac King Tail Down 45º
B6: Bone Drac King Tail Down 90º
0A:43 Serpent Splash B80802
thru 0A:48 BA0802
B8: Serpent Splash Small BC0802
BA: Serpent Splash Mid BE0802
BC: Serpent Splash Large C00802
BE: Serpent Splash Plume C20802
C0: Serpent Splash Drop
C2: Serpent Splash Splish
0A:49 Creature C40802
thru 0A:4C C60802
C4: Creature Lead Leg Fore C80802
C6: Creature Legs Closed CA0802
C8: Creature Lead Leg Back
CA: Creature Legs Closed (again)
0A:4D Creature Stomp CC0802
thru 0A:4F CE0802
CC: Creature Stomp Leg Low D00802
CE: Creature Stomp Leg High
D0: Creature Stomp Leg Down
0A:50 Creature Rock Hold D20802
D2: Creature Rock Hold
0A:51 Creature Rock Throw D40802
D4: Creature Rock Throw
0A:52 Creature Dead D60802
D6: Creature Dead
0A:53 Creature Legless D80802
D8: Creature Legless
0A:54 Creature Flinch DA0802
DA: Creature Flinch
70: Trevor Meeting Lead Leg Back
72: Trevor Meeting Legs Closed
74: Trevor Meeting Lead Leg Fore
76: Trevor Meeting Nod
7A: Trevor Meeting Dismiss Away
7E: Grant Meeting Legs Closed
80: Grant Meeting Lead Leg Back
82: Grant Meeting Handshake Up
84: Grant Meeting Handshake Down
86: Grant Meeting Talk 8A: Alucard Meeting Legs Closed
8C: Alucard Meeting Lead Leg Fore
8E: Alucard Meeting Handshake Up
90: Alucard Meeting Handshake Down
92: Alucard Talk
94: Sypha Meeting Lead Leg Fore 96: Sypha Meeting Legs Closed
98: Sypha Meeting Lead Leg Back
9C: Sypha Meeting Handshake Down
9E: Sypha Meeting Talk A0: Village Path
A2: Clocktower Path
A4: Forest Entry Path
A6: Forest Main Path
A8: Forest Sypha Path
AA: Ghost Ship
AC: Ghost Ship Path
AE: Castle Tower Path
B0: Causeway Path
B2: Swamp Path
B4: Catacombs Path
B6: Mines Path
B8: Sunken Ruins Path
D2: Thumbtack
D4: (same as D2)
D6: (same as D2)
D8: Skull
DA: Prologue Lightning DC: Prologue Trevor Pray
DE: Prologue Trevor Stand
E8: Broken Floor EA: Castle Marker
F4: Password Heart
F6: Name Entry Cursor
F8: Name Entry Selector Tall
FA: Name Entry Selector Wide
FC: Password Cross
0C:00 Door Open 020A04 02: Door Ajar
04: Door Open
0C:01 Door Close 040A04
(uses 04)
06: Door Closing
0C:02 Teeter-Totter 080802
thru 0C:0A 0A0802 08: Teeter-Totter 0º 0C0802
0A: Teeter-Totter 12º 0E0802
0C: Teeter-Totter 23º 100802
0E: Teeter-Totter 34º 120802
10: Teeter-Totter 45º 140802
12: Teeter-Totter 348º 160802
14: Teeter-Totter 337º 180802
16: Teeter-Totter 326º
18: Teeter-Totter 315º
0C:0B Trapdoor 1A0802
thru 0C:0F 1C0802
1A: Trapdoor Idle 1E0802
1C: Trapdoor Spin 1 200802
1E: Trapdoor Spin 2 220802
20: Trapdoor Spin 3
22: Trapdoor Invert
0C:10 Spiked Trapdoor 240802
thru 0C:18 260802
24: Spiked Trapdoor Idle 280802
26: Spiked Trapdoor Spin 1 2A0802
28: Spiked Trapdoor Spin 2 2C0802
2A: Spiked Trapdoor Spin 3 2E0802
2C: Spiked Trapdoor Invert 300802
2E: Spiked Trapdoor Invert Spin 1 320802
30: Spiked Trapdoor Invert Spin 2 240802
32: Spiked Trapdoor Invert Spin 3
(uses 24)
0C:19 Gear Tooth 360802
thru 0C:21 380802
36: Gear Tooth 90º 3A0802
38: Gear Tooth 110º 3C0802
3A: Gear Tooth 135º 3E0802
3C: Gear Tooth 160º 400802
3E: Gear Tooth 180º 420802
40: Gear Tooth 200º 440802
42: Gear Tooth 225º 460802
44: Gear Tooth 250º
46: Gear Tooth 270º
0C:22 Pendulum Arm 500802
thru 0C:26 4E0802
50: Pendulum Arm 225º 4C0802
4E: Pendulum Arm 237º 4A0802
4C: Pendulum Arm 248º 480802 4A: Pendulum Arm 259º
48: Pendulum Arm 270º 52: Pendulum Bob
0C:28 Floating Spikes 540802
54: Floating Spikes
0C:29 AcidDrop 560802
thru 0C:2F 580802
56: Acid Drop Trickle 5A0802
58: Acid Drop Right 5C0802
5A: Acid Drop Left 5E0802
5C: Acid Drop Droplet 600802
5E: Acid Drop Ball 620802
60: Acid Drop Splash
62: Acid Drop Puddle
0C:30 Acid Block 640802
thru 0C:34 660802
64: Acid Block Melt 680802
66: Acid Block Stub 6A0802
68: Acid Block Sludge 6C0802
6A: Acid Block Bubble
6C: Acid Block Dry
0C:35 Cave-in 6E0802
6E: Cave-in
0C:36 Map Sypha BA0808
BA: Map Sypha Lead Leg Fore
BC: Map Sypha Legs Closed
BE: Map Sypha Lead Leg Back
C0: Map Sypha Legs Closed (again)
0C:37 Map Grant C20808
C2: Map Grant Lead Leg Fore
C4: Map Grant Legs Closed
C6: Map Grant Lead Leg Back
C8: Map Grant Legs Closed (again)
0C:38 Map Alucard CA0808
CA: Map Alucard Lead Leg Back
CC: Map ALucard Legs Closed
CE: Map Alucard Lead Leg Fore
D0: Map Alucard Legs Closed (again)
0C:39 Prologue Trevor E00908
E0: Prologue Trevor Grab
E2: Prologue Trevor Fling
E4: Prologue Trevor Flap
E6: Prologue Trevor Pose0C:3A Boss Bat Marker EC0704
EC: Boss Bat Marker Up
EE: Boss Bat Marker Down
0C:3B Dracula Marker F00904
F0: Dracula Marker Up
F2: Dracula Marker Down
0C:3C Floating Spikes (again) FE0802
FE: Floating Spikes (again)
******** 0E:XX
06: (unused/removed)
08: (unused/removed)
0E: Small Heart
10: Big Heart
12: Whip Hit
14: Fire Spit
16: Floating Platform
18: Debris
1A: Splash
1C: Wall Meat
1E: Invincibility
20: Rosary
24: Money Pouch
26: 100 Points
28: 200 Points 2A: 400 Points
2C: 700 Points
2E: 1000 Points 30: 2000 Points
32: 4000 Points
34: 7000 Points
58: Multiplier 2X
5A: Multiplier 3X
68: Stopwatch 6A: Whip Upgrade
6C: (unused/removed)
6E: Pazuzu Floor
70: 10K Points
0E:00 Candle 020804
02: Candle Low
04: Candle High
0E:01 Lantern 600808
60: Lantern Dim
62: Lantern Glow
64: Lantern Bright
66: Lantern Glow (again)
0E:02 Torch 0A0804
0A: Torch High
0C: Torch Low
0E:03 Armor Axe 360408
36: Armor Axe Up Right
38: Armor Axe Up Left
3A: Armor Axe Down Left
3C: Armor Axe Down Right
0E:04 Dying Light 3E0608
3E: Dying Light Spark
40: Dying Light Flame Tall
42: Dying Light Flame Short
44: Dying Light Flame Tall (again)
0E:05 Rock Break 46040A 46: Rock Break Pebble
48: Rock Break Shrapnel
4A: Rock Break Rubble
(uses 4C)
0E:06 Creature Rock Break 480802 (uses 48)
0E:07 Creature Rock Rubble 4A0802
(uses 4A)
0E:08 Dying Flame 4C0804
4C: Dying Flame Low
4E: Dying Flame High
0E:09 Flooring 500802
50: Flooring
0E:0A Crumbling Flooring 180802
*uses 18: Debris*
0E:0B Boss Crystal 5C0404
5C: Boss Crystal Dull
5E: Boss Crystal Glow
1E: Pazuzu Laser 180º (CV3u only)
8E: Dracula Throne Arise
90: Dracula Throne Stand
92: Dracula Staff Down 94: Dracula Staff Up
96: Dracula Flame Ember
98: Dracula Flame Tiny
9A: Dracula Flame Small
9C: Dracula Flame Med
9E: Dracula Flame Large
A0: Dracula Flame Tower
A2: Dracula Flame Thin Recede
A4: Dracula Flame Thin Small
A6: Dracula Flame Thin Med
A8: Dracula Flame Thin Big
C0: Dracula II Top Face Shut
C2: Dracula II Top Face Open
C4: Dracula II Top Face Skull
C6: Dracula II Bottom Face Shut
C8: Dracula II Bottom Face Open
CA: Dracula II Bottom Face Skull
CC: Dracula II Middle Face Shut
CE: Dracula II Middle Face Open
D0: Dracula II Middle Face Skull
D2: Dracula II Brain
D4: Dracula II Brain Throb (Unused?)
D6: Dracula II Drool Form
D8: Dracula II Drool Drip
DA: Dracula II Drool Splash
DC: Dracula II Drool Puddle
DE: Dracula II Drool Trace
E0: Pazuzu Hand Glow
E2: Pazuzu Hand Gleam
E4: Pazuzu Eye Glow
E6: Pazuzu Eye Gleam
E8: Pazuzu Beam Down Short (CV3j only)
Pazuzu Beam 270º (CV3u only)
EA: Pazuzu Beam Down Full (CV3j only)
Pazuzu Beam 248º (CV3u only)
EC: Pazuzu Beam Diagonal Short (CV3j only)
Pazuzu Beam 225º (CV3u only)
EE: Pazuzu Beam Diagonal Full (CV3j only)
Pazuzu Beam 202º (CV3u only)
F0: Dracula Head
F2: Dracula Head (again)
F4: Dracula Cape Left Top
F6: Dracula Cape Left Mid
F8: Dracula Cape Left Bottom
FA: Dracula Cape Right Top
FC: Dracula Cape Right Mid
FE: Dracula Cape Right Bottom
10:00 Creature Slam 020802
thru 10:01 040802
02: Creature Slam Rev
04: (same as 0A:51)
10:02 Creature Block 060802
06: Creature Block
10:03 Bone Knight Death 080802
thru 10:05 0A0802
08: (same as 0A:02) 0C0802
0A: (same as 0A:02)
0C: (same as 0A:03)
10:06 Cyclops Pose 0E1802
0E: Cyclops Pose
10:07 Cyclops Legless 101802
10: Cyclops Legles
10:08 Serpent Head 120802
thru 10:0B 140802
12: Serpent Head 90º 160802
14: Serpent Head 45º 180802
16: Serpent Head 0º
18: Serpent Head Open
10:0C Serpent Body 1X 1A0802
1A: Serpent Body 1X
10:0D Serpent Body Dead 1C0802
1C: Serpent Body Dead
10:0E Serpent Fire 1E0806
1E: Serpent Fire Small (CV3j only)
20: Serpent Fire Med
22: Serpent Fire Big
10:0F Serpent Body 240802
thru 10:12 260802
24: Serpent Body 2X 280802
26: Serpent Body 3X 2A0802
28: Serpent Body 4X
2A: Serpent Body 5X
10:13 Medusa Squirm 2C0806 2C: Medusa Squirm Down
2E: Medusa Squirm Up 30: Medusa Squirm Long
10:14 Medusa 320802
thru 10:1A 340802
32: Medusa Draw Low 360802
34: Medusa Aim Low 380802
36: Medusa Shoot Low 3A0802
38: Medusa Draw High 3C0802
3A: Medusa Aim High 3E0802
3C: Medusa Shoot High
3E: Medusa Stare
10:1B Medusa Snake 400804
40: Medusa Snake Tongue
42: Medusa Snake Plain
10:1C Medusa Snake Idle 420802
(uses 42)
10:1D Medusa Pile 440802
thru 10:1F 460802
44: Medusa Pile Low 480802
46: Medusa Pile Med
48: Medusa Pile High
10:20 Medusa Tense 2C0802
(uses 2C)
10:21 Medusa Attack 4A0802
thru 10:25 4C0802
4A: Medusa Arrow Low 4E0802
4C: Medusa Arrow High 500802
4E: Medusa Beam Small 520802
50: Medusa Beam Med
52: Medusa Beam Large
10:26 Bone Knight Pile 540802 thru 10:28 560802
54: Bone Knight Pile 580802
56: Bone Knight Stir
58: Bone Knight Arise
10:29 Grant(B) Dagger 5A0802
thru 10:2A 5C0802
5A: Grant(B) Dagger Hold
5C: Grant(B) Dagger Throw
10:2B Baphomet Spawn 620802
thru 10:2D 640802
62: Baphomet Asleep 660802
64: Baphomet Stir
66: Baphomet Awake
10:2E Baphomet Squat 700802
70: Baphomet Squat
10:2F Baphomet Wings Spread 680802
(uses 68)
10:30 Baphomet Flap 680808 68: Baphomet Flap Spread
6A: Baphomet Flap Mid
6C: Baphomet Flap Close
6E: Baphomet Flap Mid (again)
10:31 Baphomet Prep 680802
(uses 68)
10:32 Baphomet Squat (again) 700802
(ues 70)
10:33 Baphomet Leap 6C0802 (uses 6C)
10:34 Baphomet Slow Ascent 6A0802
(uses 6A)
10:35 Baphomet Start Descent 680802
(uses 68)
10:36 Baphomet Drop 6C0802
(uses 6C)
10:37 Baphomet Land 700802
(uses 70)
10:38 Baphomet Resume 680802
(uses 68)
10:39 Evil Soul 720806
72: Evil Soul Short
74: Evil Soul Wide
76: Evil Soul Tall
10:3A Evil Soul Gibs 780802
78: Evil Soul Gibs
10:3B Pharaoh 7A0802
thru 10:3F 7C0802
7A: Pharaoh Lead Leg Back 7E0802
7C: Pharaoh Legs Closed 7C0802
7E: Pharaoh Lead Leg Fore
(uses 7C again)
10:3F Pharaoh Crumble 800802
thru 10:42 820802
80: Pharaoh Crumble Head 840802
82: Pharaoh Crumble Legs 860802
84: Pharaoh Crumble Feet
86: Pharaoh Crumble Dust
10:43 Pharaoh Wrap 880804
88: Pharaoh Wrap Up
8A: Pharaoh Wrap Down
10:44 Dracula Throne 8C0802
8C: Dracula Throne Sit
10:45 Baphomet Defeat 6C0802 (uses 6C)
10:46 Baphomet Legless AA0802
AA: Baphomet Legless
10:47 Evil Soul Exorcised AC0802
AC: Evil Soul Exorcised
10:48 Death Robe AE0806
AE: Death Robe Left
B0: Death Robe Mid
B2: Death Robe Right
10:49 Death Change B21406
(uses B2)
B4: Death Change Scythe
B6: Death Change Hand
10:4A Scythe B80308
B8: Scythe Up Right
BA: Scythe Up Left
BC: Scythe Down Left
BE: Scythe Down Right
10:4B Bone Knight Block 5E0802
5E: Bone Knight Block
10:4C Bone Knight Landing 600802
60: Bone Knight Landing
12:XX Crow Perched (CHR 3)
02: Owl Eyes
04: Owl Fade
06: Owl Perch
08: Owl Spread
0A: Owl Swoop
10: Frog Stand 12: Frog Leap
14: Frog Squat
16: Frog Dive
18: ???
32: Flameman Ember Wide
3A: Bone Drac (CHR3) Skull Shut 3C: Bone Drac (CHR3) Skull Open
3E: Bone Drac (CHR3) Rib Up 90º
40: Bone Drac (CHR3) Rib Up 45º
42: Bone Drac (CHR3) Rib 0º
44: Bone Drac (CHR3) Rib Down 45º
46: Bone Drac (CHR3) Rib Down 90º (bug? see 54)
48: Bone Drac (CHR2) Skull Shut
4A: Bone Drac (CHR2) Skull Open
4C: Bone Drac (CHR2) Rib Up 90º
4E: Bone Drac (CHR2) Rib Up 45º
50: Bone Drac (CHR2) Rib 0º
52: Bone Drac (CHR2) Rib Down 45º
54: Bone Drac (CHR2) Rib Down 90º
5A: Armor (CHR3) Lead Leg Aft
5C: Armor (CHR3) Lead Leg Fore
5E: Armor (CHR3) Legs Closed
60: Frog Mouth Open
62: Frog Tongue Tiny
70: Crow Perched (CHR 3)
12:00 Mudman Ooze 1A0806
1A: Mudman Ooze None
1C: Mudman Ooze Face
1E: Mudman Ooze Eyes
12:01 Mudman Surface 201404
20: Mudman Surface Burble
22: Mudman Surface Bulge
12:02 Merman Shadow 240C04
24: Merman Shadow Down
26: Merman Shadow Up
12:03 Flameman 281006
28: Flameman Lead Leg Back
2A: Flameman Lead Leg Fore
2C: Flameman Legs Closed
12:04 Flameman Ember 2E0604
2E: Flameman Ember Small
30: Flameman Ember Tall
12:05 Armor (CHR2) 340A06 34: Armor Lead Leg Aft
36: Armor Lead Leg Fore
38: Armor Legs Closed
12:06 Owl Flap 0C0804
0C: Owl Flap Up
0E: Owl Flap Down
12:07 Wallwalker 560404
56: Wallwalker Big
58: Wallwalker Small
12:08 Harpy-Fleaman 720C04
72: Harpy-Fleaman Wing Up
74: Harpy-Fleaman Wing Down
12:09 Harpy 760C04
76: Harpy Wing Up
78: Harpy Wing Down
12:0A Wall Walker Alt 640404
64: Wall Walker Big
66: Wall Walker Small
12:0B Crow(CHR 3) 680808
68: Crow (CHR 3) Wing Up
6A: Crow (CHR 3) Wing Mid
6C: Crow (CHR 3) Wing Down
6E: Crow (CHR 3) Wing Mid (again)
12:0C Medusa Head (CHR2) 7A0A04
7A: Medusa Head Down
7C: Medusa Head Up
02: Sypha Spark Long (uses 14:0D with 04)
04: Sypha Spark Near
06: Sypha Appear (uses 14:0E)
08: Sypha Flash (uses 14:0F)
0A: Sypha Freed (uses 14:10)
0C: Sypha Land (uses 14:11)
0E: Sypha Arise (uses 14:13)
10: Title Film Reel Border 12: Title Film Reel Borderless
16: Epilogue Castle
18: Epilogue Overlook
1A: Epilogue Trevor Plain
42: Password Whip 14:00 Epilogue Trevor Cape 1C0A06
1C: Epilogue Trevor Cape Flat
1E: Epilogue Trevor Cape High
20: Epilogue Trevor Cape Low
14:01 Epilogue Grant Cheer 220A06
22: Epilogue Grant Cheer Crossed
24: Epilogue Grant Cheer High 26: Epilogue Grant Cheer Low
14:02 Epilogue Alucard Cape 281006
28: Epilogue Alucard Cape Flat
2A: Epilogue Alucard Cape High
2C: Epilogue Alucard Cape Low
14:03 Epilogue Sypha Hair 2E0808
2E: Epilogue Sypha Hair Hood
30: Epilogue Sypha Hair Crown 32: Epilogue Sypha Hair High
34: Epilogue Sypha Hair Low
14:04 Epilogue Sypha Hair Flap 360A08
36: Epilogue Sypha Hair Flap 38: Epilogue Sypha Hair Low (again)
3A: Epilogue Sypha Hair High (again)
3C: Epilogue Sypha Hair Low (yet again)
14:05 Epilogue Trevor Sypha 3E6004
3E: Epilogue Trevor Sypha Hold 40: Epilogue Trevor Sypha Hug
14:06 Bat (Hard, CV3u) 520A08 52: Bat Wings Up
54: Bat Wings Level
56: Bat Wings Down
58: Bat Wings Level (again)
14:07 Wall Walker (Hard, CV3u) 5A0404
5A: Wall Walker Big
5C: Wall Walker Small
14:08 Castle Ghoul (Hard, CV3u) 5E0C04 5E: Castle Ghoul Legs Open
60: Castle Ghoul Legs Closed
14:09 Lance Armor (Hard, CV3u) 620A06
62: Lance Armor Lead Leg Back
64: Lance Armor Lead Leg Fore
66: Lance Armor Legs Closed 14:0A Baphomet Fireball (CV3u) 680404
68: Baphomet Fireball Small
6A: Baphomet Fireball Big
*16-1C same as 00-06 except as follows*
16:0E Doppelganger Blob
66: Doppelganger Blob Small
68: Doppelganger Blob Med
6A: Doppelganger Blob Large
16:0F Doppelganger Form
6C: Doppelganger Form Mass
6E: Doppelganger Form Shape
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