Apr 7, 2014

I should really stick to one project at a time, but this goddamned ADHD is ruining my programming life. Oh, and girlfriends that just want to fuck are bad for programming, too.

Anyhow, I took up cracking Bubble Bobble 2 on the NES. I identified the state machine, which was not as concise as Konami's and perhaps not as easy to follow, albeit easier to identify the first time I looked for it. Bub's jumping was handled just like Trevor's, even (lack of gravity). But Taito used an odd movement speed mechanic for horizontal motion...

hspd = lr*(((step<<1)|(step&2>>1)&3)+fat>>2)

This is my translated code; lr is short for left-right and is either -1 for left or 1 for right; step is a step counter, just like all the other NES programmers used; fat is a speed modifier variable between 2 and 5, with 5 being the default and 2 being when Bub is gassy. Yeah... That's Taito's movement code for Bub; it essentially equates to a speed of 1.25 pps. 


  1. Anonymous4/08/2014

    If this is your life it's pretty miserable and pathetic.

  2. Meh. Better learning experience than reading through most of the Game Maker tutorials out there, and I can understand assembly about as well as C++ oddly enough. Anyway, some girls don't think it's a miserable life -- was getting laid twice a day for two months straight cuz she liked my head.


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