May 24, 2013

In my last post, I hinted at a little side project quickie I was working on. Figured I'd take a break from CV3 and try to freshen up my code reading by hacking a simple different code. My code of choice? The cherry blossom falling code from "Sakigake! Otokojuku" on the FC. This crappy game opened with cherry blossom petals fluttering gently down from the top of the screen. There are actually two cases of this and I have a nagging feeling they aren't the same.

Anyway, here is a GMK containing the code for the petals from Stage 1. Don't worry, only four alarms were used and no arguments were harmed in the making of this. I even threw in a "var X;" for you guys.

I'm sure you'll find a use for it.

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